BCM Arya School Lalton



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Principal's Blog

The Invaluable Currency

The Invaluable Currency

The Invaluable Currency: Understanding the Value of Time

In our fast-paced world, where every second counts and schedules are packed to the brim, time often feels like a luxury we can’t afford. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, do we truly comprehend the profound significance of time? It’s a currency unlike any other, for once spent, it can never be regained. Understanding the value of time is not just about being punctual or managing schedules efficiently; it’s about recognizing its profound impact on our lives, relationships, and achievements.
Time: A Finite Resource

Unlike money or possessions, time is a resource that cannot be replenished. Each day, we are allocated a fixed number of hours, minutes, and seconds, and once they pass, they’re gone forever. This finite nature of time imparts a sense of urgency to make the most out of every moment.

Time as a Catalyst for Growth

Time serves as a catalyst for personal growth and development. It provides us with opportunities to learn, explore, and evolve. Whether it’s mastering a new skill, pursuing higher education, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, time grants us the canvas upon which we paint the tapestry of our lives.

Time's Role in Relationships

The value of time becomes particularly evident in the realm of relationships. Investing time in nurturing bonds with family, friends, and loved ones is essential for fostering strong connections and creating cherished memories. It’s not the material gifts or grand gestures that leave a lasting impact but rather the time spent together, sharing laughter, offering support, and experiencing life’s joys and sorrows side by side.

Seizing the Moment

Life is composed of a series of moments, each brimming with potential and possibility. However, these moments are fleeting, and if we fail to seize them, they slip through our fingers, leaving behind only regrets. Embracing the value of time means living in the present moment, fully engaged and attentive to the opportunities that surround us.

The Price of Procrastination

Procrastination is the thief of time, siphoning away precious hours that could have been devoted to productive endeavors. Delaying tasks and deferring goals only prolongs our journey towards success and fulfillment. By recognizing the value of time and cultivating a proactive mindset, we can overcome the allure of procrastination and make significant strides towards our aspirations.


In the grand tapestry of life, time is the thread that binds our experiences together. Its value transcends monetary wealth or material possessions, for it is the currency with which we purchase moments of happiness, growth, and connection. By treasuring each passing second and making conscious choices about how we allocate our time, we can unlock the true potential of our existence and create a legacy that endures far beyond the confines of time itself.

Principal's Blog

STEM Challenges

STEM Challenges

Certainly! Engaging activities for school students can vary depending on their age group and interests, but here are seven ideas that cater to a wide range of students:

STEM Challenges

STEM Challenges: Designing and conducting STEM challenges can be both educational and fun. For example, you could have students build structures out of toothpicks and marshmallows to learn about engineering principles, or create simple circuits to understand electricity.


Debates: Organize debates on relevant topics to encourage critical thinking and public speaking skills. You can assign topics related to current events, literature, science, or any subject relevant to your curriculum.

2.Art Projects

Art Projects: Engage students in creative expression through art projects. Provide them with various materials and themes to explore, such as painting, sculpture, collage, or even digital art.

3.Outdoor Exploration

Outdoor Exploration: Take students outside the classroom for hands-on learning experiences. This could involve nature walks, scavenger hunts, or experiments conducted in the schoolyard.

4.Role-Playing Games

Role-Playing Games: Introduce educational role-playing games that allow students to immerse themselves in different historical periods, cultures, or scientific concepts. This can make learning more interactive and memorable.

5.Literary Circles

Literary Circles: Form small groups of students to read and discuss books together. Each group can choose their own book or you can assign specific titles. Encourage students to share their interpretations, analyze characters, and discuss themes.

6.Community Service Projects

Community Service Projects: Encourage students to give back to their community by organizing service projects. This could involve volunteering at local charities, organizing donation drives, or participating in environmental clean-up efforts.
These activities not only make learning enjoyable but also foster collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity among students
Principal's Blog

A Prominent School in the outskirts of the city

A Prominent School in the outskirts of the city

BCM ARYA SCHOOL is a prominent school in Singla-Enclave, Lalton Dolon Khurd, Ludhiana on Pakhowal Road. It is known for its Academic Excellence, Holistic Education Approach and Emphasis on Co-Curricular activities. Established in 2019, the BCM ARYA School for grown to become one of the most recognised educational institute in Ludhiana.
Key Features associated with BCM ARYA SCHOOL include:-

Academic Excellence:

BCM ARYA School’s known for its rigorous academic excellence through well-structured curricula, qualified teachers, and rigorous academic standards. The staff strive to faster critical thinking, problem-solving skills and a lifelong love for learning among students.

Academic Excellence
Infrastructure and Facilities
Infrastructure and Facilities

BCM ARYA School typically offer state-of-the-art facilities including well-equipped classrooms, science and computer labs, libraries, sports facilities, and auditoriums.

Extracurricular Activities

The School encourage holistic development by providing a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, music, drama, debates, and clubs.

Infrastructure and Facilities
Technology Integration
Technology Integration

The School integrate technology into their teaching methods, providing students with access to computers, tablets, and other digital resources to enhance learning experiences

Parental Involvement

The School often foster strong partnerships with parents through regular communication, parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and involvement in school events and activities

Parental Involvement
Safety and Security
Safety and Security

 Ensuring the safety and security of students is paramount. BCM ARYA School implement measures such as CCTV surveillance, trained security personnel, and strict safety protocols.

Inclusive Environment:

We provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes diversity, tolerance, and respect for all students regardless of their background, abilities, or beliefs

Inclusive Environment
Inclusive Environment
Community Engagement

The School actively engage with the local community through outreach programs, social initiatives, and partnerships with local organizations to instill values of social responsibility and civic engagement in students.

Health and Wellness Programs

The School prioritize the physical and mental well-being of students by offering health and wellness programs, counseling services, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices.

Inclusive Environment
Inclusive Environment
Continuous Improvement

The School strive for continuous improvement through regular assessment, feedback mechanisms, professional development opportunities for teachers, and adaptation to changing educational trends and best practices.

Principal's Blog

How To Reduce Exam Stress To Get Success

How To Reduce Exam Stress To Get Success

10 Tricks To Be Topper

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep will create Nausea and it will not help to enhance memory. 6 to 7 hours sleep is required.Sleep is also sort of unconscious mediation so proper sleep is very important.

Maintain your healthy diet

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important. Eat Soaked Almonds, Walnut and Kishmish.Drink lot of water. Water is required to keep our brain energetic.

Regular physical exercise

To increase brain oxygen few exercise are required. With exercise happy Hormones also increases which never lets you to feel negative. Follow six morning rituals-

S – Silence

E – Exercise

A– Affirmations

R – Read 

V – Visualization

S – Scribe

Practice meditation

Find a quiet spot. Close your eyes. Breathe. Inhale tranquility, exhale tension. Picture a peaceful scene. Let go. Scan your body; release stress. Affirm positivity. Embrace gratitude. Return to your breath. Open your eyes.

Avoid Multitasking

Focus on one subject at a time for a long period.

Take regular breaks

After 45 minutes take a short break. Take 45 minutes study time, take 5 minutes active break.Stretch your body. Do stretch and relax exercises. Take 10 deep breathing.Drink water,Eater walnut or Almonds.

Keep a Consistent Study Schedule

Use 3P Method:

  1. Practice
  2. Persistent
  3. Patience

Have fix time schedule for study.

Leverage music for focus

Listen good music for example flute or rain drops, brain waves, sound music.  This music will help to relax brain muscles.Listen it in silence. Do not do any work along with it.

Use memory techniques

Use some shapes, graphics pics to learn things.

Continual learning

Read two pages of a Book daily. It will increase brain neurons.

Follow these tips for your success.